Hi! Welcome to my blog-home. I’m so happy you found your way here. Let me give you a little tour and introduce myself. I’m going to presume that since you’ve decided to visit a place named Nourishing Body & Soul you want to do just that - nourish your body and soul. My blog-home is here solely for the purpose of encouraging, educating, and enlightening those who want to live a deeply nourished and nourishing life. So, let’s get started.
First off, the tour. – Right now we’re in the living room where, as implied by its name, most of the living happens. It’s our main gathering place where lots of fun discussions on interesting topics happen. Feel free to jump in on any discussion by commenting below. Your two cents are always welcome here!
Next is the kitchen. We’ll hang out here from time to time when I share healthy and (mostly) quick recipes. If you’d like tips about how to deal effectively with meal planning, cooking, and just feeding yourself in general without it overtaking your life, we can do that, too. My goal is to have the kitchen be a relaxing, enjoyable place. I hope you feel that way when we’re in here.
Through this way is the library – a magical place. It's too bad most builders don't include libraries in their floor plans anymore. Hopefully, it’s because so many people carry their library with them in their phone, tablet, or laptop, or they have their books spread throughout the house with bookshelves in lots of rooms. Anyway, here in my library you’ll notice I’ve chosen the furniture very carefully, every piece selected to invite you to sit down, get comfortable, and stay a while. From time to time I’ll come in here with you in order to show you a specific book but mostly this room will stay quietly archived under the “Library” tag with its door open enticing you to visit and explore. If a book is on the shelf, it’s because I’ve read it and can recommend some or all of the ideas it presents.
Of course my home has bathrooms, bedrooms, and outdoor spaces, too. We’ll visit those from time to time as we talk about digestion, sleep, intimacy, beauty, activity, and such, but most of our time will be spent in the living room and kitchen. Just like at your house probably.
By way of introducing myself, let me tell you why I’ve built this home.
I’m a big-picture kind of person, always aiming to see how the immediate happenings in life fit in to the grander scheme. Because of that trait, I’m really big on living and observing the moment at hand, looking back to see how I got to that moment and looking ahead to imagine where it might lead. I love to look for patterns, since they can help me recognize familiar territory and avoid, as much as possible, having to relearn the same lessons over and over.
A couple of years ago I came across The Institute for the Psychology of Eating. As I watched their videos and read their material, I felt the coalescence of many things I had read, observed, and thought up to that point in my life. It was as if my thoughts were validated and expanded with my exposure to their teachings. Naturally, I signed up for their Eating Psychology Coach training. I felt I was gaining the tools to finally get a permanent handle on my relationship with food and eating, and I wanted to share that. The further I got into it, the more I saw that what I was learning had a much broader application. (Told you I’m a big-picture girl.) So, remember, as we address food and other practical, related eating topics here, we’ll really be discussing much bigger things.
In future posts I’ll share more about how I got to the point of becoming an Eating Psychology Coach; but for now, let it suffice to say my quest is to live a truly nourished and nourishing life. I’d like to assist you in doing the same. I want you to have a life that’s satisfying every day, that fills you to overflowing, that’s purposeful and joyful and enriching. I want to help you explore what nourishes you at the deepest levels and see how you can nourish others as well.
The reason I built this home? I want you to be nourished, body & soul.