Last time I said nourishment and nutrition are not synonymous. While nourishment is about more than food, obviously food is part of the equation when it comes to nourishing our bodies, which is why this week we start with -
1. Macronutrient balance
When our diet is the topic, I like to think of these as the big three: protein, carbs, and fat. The problem we face is that two out of three of them have been basically demonized in our current diet and nutrition culture. Low-fat and low-carb diets are easier to find than a white hair in Santa's beard. Everyone knows if we eat fat, we get fat. Only, not. And carbs? Well, that word is worse than any swear word the way some people see it. But let's look at the results of these teachings and practices. If low-fat and/or low-carb is truly the healthiest way to eat, then why have rates of obesity, heart disease, and so many other diseases increased so dramatically in the decades these diets have been accepted as doctrine?
Practice - Read some current findings of the long-term effects low-fat or
low-carb diets can have. Conduct your own personal experiment wherein you
play with the balance of protein, fat, and carbs in each meal and listen to your
own body's wisdom about what feels most nourishing for you.
2. Movement
Notice I didn't say exercise. If you're a person who loves running or going to the
gym or any of the myriad of other activities commonly viewed as exercise, then
by all means, carry on! However, far too many people exercise because they
think they should or as a way to fight their body into submission, to show it
who's boss. If we view exercise as a dreaded chore we do to ease our conscience
or as a battle with our body, we are creating a stress response which can trigger
our body to produce increased cortisol and insulin which, in turn, can cause us
to hold onto our weight. Besides, do we really want to force ourselves to
regularly do something we dislike or even hate? What might happen if instead we focused on moving our body in ways we enjoy?
Practice - Make a list of ways you loved to move when you were younger. Jumping rope, skipping, playing on the monkey bars, anyone? Remember the joy
and freedom you felt whenever you were moving, playing? Find a way to
recapture that kind of joy in movement. If you're unable to move the way you
used to, find some other kind of activity that feels like play rather than
3. Rest
(Warning - I'm getting on my soapbox with this one)
Often in American culture people wear sleep deprivation as a warped badge of
honor. They brag about how little sleep they get by on. I mean, if you're a college
student who hasn't pulled several all-nighters during finals, you're a wimp, right?
There's something wrong with you. If you're an adult who somehow manages to
get throughout your day without shots of your favorite form of caffeine, you're
obviously not as busy (translation: productive) as those who can't possibly get
everything done without it. What other explanation could there be? After all,
we're supposed to sacrifice for what's important to us, aren't we? It's noble to
feel so strongly about things that we're willing to go without sleep for them, isn't
NO! Well okay, sometimes, but almost always, no. It is not noble in any way, shape, or form to unnecessarily sacrifice our bodies like that! In fact, it is nothing short of negligence or even abuse! Sleep is not an optional thing, a luxury we can choose or not choose and be fine. Of course there are exceptions - hello, parents of young children (to name just one) - but exceptions are not the rule.
Practice - If you aren't getting enough sleep, take a hard, and I mean hard, look at what you are doing with your time. Cut out or cut back on whatever you can. If you honestly cannot cut out or reduce the time you spend on one single thing, do some
research on efficiency and productivity to help you streamline your processes.
Your body needs you to listen to it. You now have permission to be smart and
get the amount of sleep your particular body requires. If, and that's a big if, it is legitimately impossible for you to get ample sleep, at least find time to rest more often, even if only for a minute or two.
4. Appreciation
Be honest, when was the last time you had a negative thought about your body? I'd be very surprised if it wasn't within the last 24 hours. More than likely, it was within the last hour or less. Think of how you feel when you're around someone who criticizes, complains, or dumps negativity in one form or another most of the time. Blech! Right? So, how can we slather our bodies with negative thoughts or words and think it has no effect? It's not healthy or "humble" to disrespect the amazing gift that is our body. If you're reading this, you have eyes that see. That's miraculous! How many other miraculous things are there about your body? Is it perfect? Nope. Is it phenomenal? Heck, yes! It isn't arrogant to have, and express, a deep love and appreciation for our physical self; It's healthy.
Practice - Make a list of at least 100 things you appreciate about your body. Whenever you have a negative thought about it, counteract it with three positive ones.
5. Love
Let's look at this from two angles. First, as we develop the appreciation we talked about a minute ago, that appreciation will eventually grow into full-fledged love. Imagine the peace and contentment it would bring into our lives if we truly cherished the physical part of us. How nourishing would that be?
Second, as we make an effort to be more loving people, that positive energy has an effect on our whole selves, body and soul.
Practice - Start with what you already love. Do you love your spouse? Your kids? Your pet? Flowers? The night sky? Whatever you love, express that love to them or it clearly and often. Once that becomes habit, expand the practice to another person, group, or item on your list of things you love. Sooner or later you'll find that list getting longer and longer. I guarantee that will have a nourishing affect on both your body and soul.
After this post and the previous one, you now have ten simple ways to nourish your body. I strongly encourage you to choose at least one to implement. If you find it makes a difference for you, choose another. Please, be patient with yourself and with the process. You deserve to be happy in your body and you can choose to be.