Just a few brief words today about the holiday - who has time for reading long blog posts right now, right?
Christmas can be a time of great joy, but also great stress. If we were together, I would take both of your hands in mine, look into to your eyes for as long as it took to know we were connecting, and with all the depth of sincerity and love I could muster, say, "Please, just choose joy."
If you notice the tension building up in your shoulders as you go over you to-do list, take a deep breath and let it go.
If you feel the overwhelm coming at you, shift your focus onto why you're doing all you're doing. Because you want to show love and appreciation to family and friends, right? Consider dropping anything that isn't eternally important. Trust me, your loved ones would rather have a calm, happy you than the hand decorated sugar cookies, the gift that's perfectly wrapped (Hello, gift bags!), the Ugly Sweater party you always throw, or virtually anything else. When it comes right down to it, YOU are what's important to them.
And the food - oh my gosh, it's everywhere! So just make your choice and enjoy it. If eating the peanut butter kiss cookies your neighbor brought over makes you truly happy, then eat them with joy - not guilt. If passing up the treats or the second helping of mashed potatoes is what will bring greater happiness, then do that. Whatever choice you make regarding food, make it with your whole heart and choose it 100%. The world won't end if you eat the fudge. It also won't end if you don't.
If you're feeling sad or lonely, look around and find someone else who may be feeling down and find a way to serve them. I guarantee your heart will lighten as you lighten someone else's.
Most of all, I wish you deep and enriching joy this Christmas. If there are things standing between you and it, do everyone a favor - clear the path and let in the joy.