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Nourishing Body & Soul


Writer's pictureTracy Astle

Use Your Resources!

Back in the day, I heard an older man tell how when he was young his grandfather pulled him aside and gave him two pieces of advice. First, he told him there were two kinds of people in the world: followers and leaders. His sage advice: "Lead, boy! Lead!"

Next, and what we'll focus on today, he told him Life would require things of him he wouldn't feel prepared for but not to worry. He assured him Life would also provide him the resources he needed. Those resources would include experiences, education, and people. We'd be foolish to rely only on ourselves and our smarts. He emphatically told him, "Use your resources!" Find them. Use them.

Ever since I heard that advice, I always look for things to support and aid me in my personal progress and whatever else I may be facing. Obviously, the internet can be a phenomenal resource in just about any quest.

Today I'll share just a few of my current online favorites on various topics - 1) because they're so great I want you to know about them and 2) to get you thinking about what some of your current favorites may be.


Medium is a vast and wide playground for your brain. You can find articles on pretty much any subject you can imagine. It's current and awesome and, so as not to be overwhelmed with info, you can set your preferences for which topics or people you want to follow. I have my preferences set so I only get one weekly email with suggested articles. It's like having a personal assistant who performs searches for me then gives me a short list so I can stay current in my fields of interest. How cool is that? You can get limited (but not ridiculously so) access for free or unlimited for $5.00 a month.

I really, really hope you've already discovered the treasure that is TED. Their tag line is "Ideas worth spreading" and, boy, is that accurate. Warning: It's easy to fall deep into the TED rabbit hole, so plan your time and/or topics carefully. Here's a cool one I saw recently to get you started. Here's another one of my all time favorites.


The Food Revolution Network is all about clean, sustainable eating to facilitate good health. Unlike a lot of other places that promote themselves as providers of health info as a front for selling you their products or programs, The Food Revolution Network simply provides a ton of free info. They'll make occasional product recommendations, but they're for other companies' products not their own. They do have books they've written, but there's never any pressure to buy them. They also hold a free annual online summit with a wide variety of speakers covering a vast array of topics. Cool stuff!


Ryan may not be one of the big names out there, but she keeps it real and has very common sense ideas. She's fun, energetic, and oh so helpful.

So, there you go. Some great resources to add to your arsenal. Remember to keep your eyes open to see all the ways, online and offline, the world is waiting to support you in your growth.

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