I have an insatiable appetite for learning, especially about life. It fills my heart, mind, and soul to look back over experiences I've had and glean the enlightening, empowering, encouraging wisdom contained in them.
As fulfilling and enriching as my life has been so far, it fascinates me to think of all the wisdom others have gained from the lives they've lived. My thirst for knowledge makes me want to learn not only from my life, but from the lives of others, too. Because of this, a couple of years ago I started asking people a question. -
I know there are too many lessons to name them all, so I simply ask for one or two that come quickly to mind. I even have a journal where I record these treasures.
Now, today's your lucky day because I'm going to share a few of the responses I've received, so you can be enriched, too. You're welcome. Most of these could inspire a whole beautiful discussion, but I'm just going to give them to you as they were said and let you stew on them. Here we go.
How fast life can change - This one was said with a powerful air of peaceful acceptance by a mom whose son had died unexpectedly.
Don't ever adjust your need to fit what another has to offer. - from a 56 year old
You get out of life what you put into it. - from a 34 year old
Always remember why you married your spouse. Going back to that decision and the feelings you had when you made it keeps you grounded in your marriage. -from a 40-something
Everyone should have to work at McDonald's (or any other fast food place) for at least a year. We'd all be nicer to each other. - from a long-time friend
To make friends is a happy life. - from a 5 year old
Don't worry about what anyone else is doing. Just do yourself and do it the best you can. - from a woman in her mid-thirties
Don't react to people because of what you assume they're thinking about you. - From a 50-something
be nice to people...(an adorable twinkle came to his eye as he added) because if you aren't, it may come back to bite you. - from an 85 year old
God loves us individually, personally, intimately, perfectly. - from a 20-something
Give people grace. - from a 33 year old
As you see, I know some pretty wise people.
I'd love to hear your thoughts about these Life Lessons. I also hope you'll make it my lucky day by responding to my question - What's one lesson Life has taught you so far?
(Email me at tracy@tlastle.com or text me at (530)300-0566.)