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Nourishing Body & Soul


Writer's pictureTracy Astle

2 More Potent Lessons to Live By

I got great response from last month's post sharing life lessons learned by people I know, so today I'll share a couple more. (Spoiler alert! There'll be more in the future.)

This week's lessons -

This potent gem came from a wise woman in her mid-twenties! That's a lot of smart for someone so relatively young. If your experience is like mine, you'll need to be reminded of this one from time to time. I tell myself this with some regularity.

Part of the power in this lies in how broad it's application is. It's true of simple every day things, as well as life's biggest challenges.

Making a meal? Trust the cooking process and soon your appetite will be satisfied.

Working toward a life dream? Trust your work process, trust the needed resources to come your way, trust yourself, and that dream - or an even better one - will eventually come.

Facing a challenge or heartache? Trust that you have, or will gain, the stamina and wisdom you need to get through it.

A bigger portion of its power lies in the faith required to have the kind of trust required to see things work out. Sometimes we make mistakes or circumstances arise that seem to close off the good things we desire. If we can somehow summon the kind of trust necessary, we can hold on through what seem like setbacks and in the end appreciate the lessons we've learned on our journey.

Trusting the process usually doesn't mean we get to sit back an wait for things to work out. Most of the time we have to work the process - along with trusting it. Going back to our cooking reference, there's cooking to do before we get the finished meal, so to speak.

This idea of trusting the process and letting everything work out in its own time ties directly to another life lesson shared by an 85 year-old. -


Well, nothing more really needs to be said about that, now does it?

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