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Nourishing Body & Soul


Writer's pictureTracy Astle

2 Easy Ways To Bring More Joy Into Your Life

Close up shots of home decor

Details, details, details. Our home environment, like the rest of life, is made up of the smaller details. How often do we focus so much on the bigger picture that we don't notice the little things? Or have we grown so used to our surroundings that we walk right through them without really noticing them?

Have you ever noticed on the home renovation shows how many of the "after" shots are closeups of smaller vignettes within the room? There's a good reason for that. Those little groupings or touches are what makes up the beauty of the room as a whole.

Home decor

The large framed photo in this shot holds layers of pleasure for me: it's of Yosemite, which is a place I love, it used to hang in my grandparents cabin, which brings back many happy childhood memories, and the photo was taken by my beloved granddad.

This lower shot seems super simple, but holds a lot of meaning. The large plant is a reminder of a plant that was a wedding gift and lived with us for over twenty years before it died. It's the only plant we ever named. The cabinet brings feelings of accomplishment, since I assembled and refinished it myself. The small frame holds one of my favorite quotes and was a gift from a young friend who is one of my favorite people in the world, and the larger frame holds my certificate from when I became an Eating Psychology Coach. Finally, the painting on the wall is not only beautiful, but it was painted by my dear mother-in-law.

The pictures in this post show a few of the little details around my home which are there waiting to bring me feelings of joy, accomplishment, peace, tenderness, love, happiness, a sense of my history, and so much more. All I have to do is have the presence of mind to notice them.

The beauty of this concept is that whether your space is large or small - from a house that's thousands of square feet in area, down to only part of a room you share with a sibling or roommate - you can create little vignettes that fill your heart and soul and make your life more joyful.

So, the two easy ways I promised in the title?

1. Create little "snapshots" of things you love around your environment.

2. Notice them and let them do their job - which is to lift you up.

When we train ourselves to do this at home, it naturally spreads to other areas of our lives - other physical areas, like outdoors or a workspace, as well as non-physical areas, like relationships or life as a whole.

Now, go. Create and notice beauty.

Flower arrangements

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