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Nourishing Body & Soul


Writer's pictureTracy Astle

How to Calm Fear and Anxiety

There's a lot of uncertainty and fear in the air right now - along with a complete overload of information - due to a virus sweeping the world. It's easy to feel helpless or frightened or overwhelmed. It's easy to feel a lot of things.

But fear not!

We have power in every situation and this is no different. The key to peace and sanity lies in having a clear picture of what is within our control and focusing our efforts there.

We may not have thought to turn a beloved Bible verse to see how it answers our current situation, but I think it's worth a look. This is one one the best known and loved verses for good reasons. The Beatles sang, "Love is all you need." Let's see how this verse about love, or charity (the pure love of Christ), can apply in this moment.

Charity suffereth long - We have no idea how long we may need to make adjustments to our way of life or what losses we may encounter, but maintaining an attitude of love can carry us to whatever length is required.

And is kind - Many people are on edge and not acting the way they might in less stressful times. Treating each other with kindness will go a long way in healing hurting or fearful hearts.

Charity envieth not - It may be tempting to look at others and envy their good health, their comforts, or their ability to continue to work and earn income amid so many business closures and cut backs. Envy will only make a difficult situation worse. A good dose of charity can help us live in gratitude - no matter what our circumstances may be.

Charity vaunteth not itself - Let's not be the one who withholds our aid or compassion from another because we think they deserve whatever hardship they may be in, thinking this like, "Well, if they would have been disciplined enough to save some money earlier, they wouldn't be in such a dire financial situation now. We saved money and we're doing fine." That's one of the ugliest forms of pride and not only has dark consequences for those from whom we withhold help, but for us and our hearts, too.

Is not puffed up - On the other hand, if we are helping others where we can, let's do it from a place of pure love and humility. It doesn't make us the World's Greatest Saint just because we made some sacrifice for a neighbor. It just makes us a decent human being. Yay.

Doth not behave itself unseemly - We're hearing stories of store cashiers being screamed at because of purchasing limits on or shortages of items like toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and cleaning wipes. An attitude of charity will help us remember who we are, that we're better than that, and that the cashier is just a person doing their job and doesn't deserve that kind of treatment.

Seeketh not her own - Fear is a potent emotion and can cause us to be unusually self-centered. Love counteracts fear and allows us to be mindful of others and their needs.


- let love guide our purchasing - leaving items for others that we don't immediately need for ourselves,

- be mindful of how contagious and potentially dangerous this virus is and let that moderate our interactions with others,

- check in on each other to see how we're holding up, and more.

Is not easily provoked - Some people are going to behave in less than stellar ways. They just are. Charity will allow us to temper our response to them and give them grace. They'll need it.

Beareth all things - We're stronger than we know.

Believeth all things - Good and beautiful things can come from challenging things - if we believe in, look for, and seek the good.

Hopeth all things - Brighter days are ahead.

Endureth all things - We can do this. We're not alone. Pretty much the whole global population is in this together.

Charity never faileth - It never fails, meaning there's an everlasting supply. It never fails, meaning not only does its supply never run out, but that supply is and always will be more than enough to meet any need. It's not a never-ending meager supply; it's a never-ending excessively abundant supply. It never fails, meaning it works every time. It is, quite literally, the answer. Period.

May we tap into the love available to us all. May we allow it to comfort and quiet our fears and anxieties. Most importantly, may we seek for ways to share it with the world.

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