How can we negotiate our way through the wide variety of emotions we're likely feeling as we deal with life right now? Because let's be honest, there's SO MUCH emotional energy in the air as we all try to figure out a situation none of us has gone through before. It's all just a lot.
A lot of uncertainty - a lot of facts
A lot of worry - a lot of hope
A lot of ugliness - a lot of beauty
A lot of isolation - a lot of community
A lot of fear - a lot of faith
A lot of a lot.
It can cause us to feel like we're living in a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings with an occasional reprieve as the calm in the eye of the storm passes over.
It's helpful to remember our capacity for emotional agility.
Humans are amazing creatures. History has proven over and over how much we can handle. Focusing on the very moment we're in and recognizing our ability to to think and feel a myriad of thoughts and feelings all seemingly simultaneously can preserve our sanity and personal peace. We were created with the capacity to deal with life and whatever it may throw at us.
We can spend time in introspection, meditation, and prayer to tap into peace and to find where our personal power lies so we can know what we can do and have the wisdom and strength to do it.
It'll be okay. We'll be okay.