How do you feel about the New Year? Are you excited about all the options? Are you a goal-setter who is practically giddy with the possibilities? Or do you think people make too much fuss about it? To you, it's just another day. Maybe you get the day off work and spend it taking down the holiday decorations, but other than that, it's just another day. No big deal.
To me, it's like a new chapter in a favorite book. Technically, the beginning of a new chapter is just another page of the book. But it's more than that. It can be a moment to think about what I've experienced so far and where I am now. It can be a chance to pause and consider what might lie ahead in the story of my life and ponder and plan for where I want my life to go and how I want to grow.
Whether you're a planner or not, remember we can make all the plans and have clear ideas of what we want, but we can't always control the outcomes. Whether the year goes according to our hopes or ends up nothing like what we thought it would, what we can always control is our response.
So, plan away...or don't. Welcome the New Year by celebrating at a party...or quietly go to bed early. You get to choose how you respond to the New Year - and to your life.
With that in mind, I wish you a happy and growth-filled New Year!