“T’was the holiday season and in many lives
Pressures were buzzing like bees in their hives.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
And Mom had to fill them or they’d all be bare.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of things to do raced through Mom’s head.
There were goodies to bake, loads of gifts she would wrap.
It all made her wish for a long winter’s nap.
There were menus to plan, so much shopping to do –
Food for fam’ly and friends and the church party, too,
Treats for neighbors and teachers, the Amazon guy;
She didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry.
And activities? They seemed to mount without end -
Parties, recitals, events to attend.
And COVID restrictions made everything trickier.
In person was easy; virtual planning was stickier.
She made lists, lists, lists, lists – lists from hither to yon,
When these lists were all finished her sanity’d be gone.
She wondered. She puzzled. She pondered and thought.
Maybe she’d taken on more than she ought.
Maybe she’d let go of one thing - or two!
Or maybe she’d just make them simpler to do.
The treats for the neighbors and teachers, she thought,
Could be just as thoughtful, if they were store-bought.
The family could help wrapping each others’ gifts.
Serving each other may give them a lift.
Rather than focus on presents and food,
She’d consider what things might help lighten the mood.
The world wouldn’t end if she lingered an hour
With a nice cup of tea or in a hot shower.
Stressed out and frazzled was no way to live.
By practicing self-care, she'd have more to give.
As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
when they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky;
So off of her shoulders her burdens they flew
Delegation was key, and she'd simplify too!
She'd center her focus - not on things but on feelings,
Sweeping away the more trivial dealings.
She'd rivet attention on sharing the light
Of that long ago, peaceful, most sacred of nights.
She spoke not a word, but went straight to her work.
As she divvied up jobs, her spirits did perk.
And tapping a finger aside of her chin,
She grinned and decided just how she'd begin.
She sprang from her chair, to her lips came a whistle,
And her heart, it felt light, like the down of a thistle.
Arms wide, she exclaimed, with her wondrous insight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"