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Nourishing Body & Soul


  • Writer's pictureTracy Astle

Your Life, Your Mic: Owning Your Power to Control Who Speaks Into Your Life's Journey

In life, we are surrounded by all kinds of voices, each with the power to influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions. From the people we hold dear to the mentors we admire from afar, every voice has the potential to shape our journey. But amidst this chorus, there is one voice that often goes unheard — our own.

In her book "Believe It!", Jamie Kern Lima explores the concept of the microphone, a metaphor for the power we each hold to control who speaks into our lives. Imagine your life is a talk show. You're the host and get to choose which guests will share your stage and what topics will be discussed. It's about recognizing the impact of the voices around us and learning to adjust the volume on those that truly matter.

Here's how you can apply this concept to your own life:

1. Recognize the Influence of Your Inner Circle:

Studies show that the people we spend the most time with have a profound impact on our lives. They can lift us up, drag us down, or simply help keep us where we are. Take a moment to reflect on the five people you're closest to. Are they voices or encouragement? Reason? Excitement? Calm? Do they offer tough love when you need it? How about compassion when that's what would best serve? It's critical to have or find people who fill many different roles in our lives, and even more important to recognize and appreciate that.

2. Adjust the Volume of External Influences:

In addition to those in our inner circle, we are constantly bombarded by external voices — from people outside our inner circle, social media, the news, and other sources. It's important to be mindful of the messages we allow into our lives and to adjust the volume accordingly. If something doesn't serve you or align with your values, turn down the volume or mute it altogether.

3. Seek Guidance from Mentors:

Mentors can offer valuable insights and perspectives. These mentors may be people you know personally or those you admire from a distance. Seek out mentors who embody the qualities and values you aspire to and learn from their wisdom.

4. Tune Into Your Inner Voice:

Ultimately, the most important voice in your life is your own inner voice, your deep knowing. Amidst the noise of the world, it's easy to lose touch with that. But it's this voice that holds the key to our true desires and aspirations. Trust in your intuition, your values, and your dreams. Listen to what your heart, mind, and gut have to say, and trust that guidance. Your life is your journey, and you have the power to shape it in a way that is authentic and true to you.

Owning your power to control who speaks into your life's journey is a transformative act of self-empowerment. By recognizing the influence of those around you, adjusting the volume on external influences, seeking guidance from mentors, and tuning into your inner voice, you can create a life that is aligned with your truest desires and aspirations. So take hold of your microphone, thoughtfully choose to which "guests" you turn over your mic, and curate a chorus of voices that support you in creating a life that's truly nourishing - body and soul!

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